

Blog Post 8

Within the novel The House on Mango Street, author Sandra Cisneros explores the dynamics of women’s lives were social constraints predefine the circumstances of women for most of the women in, The House On Mango Street. These constraints are too…

Criticism: The Chicano-Latino Short Story

“The Chicano-Latino Short Story,” in The Columbia Companion to the Twentieth-Century American Short Story (Ramón Saldívar) Author, Americo Paredes, short story “The Gringo”, from Hummon and the Beans and Other Stories, is a vignette of historical romance set in the…

Criticism: Saying Goodbye to Magic Realism

“Saying Goodbye to Magic Realism” (Silvia Moreno-Garcia, The New York Times) Magical realism has become synonymous with the general Latin American writing. Sylvia Moreno Garcia managed editor approval of her bestselling novel, Mexican Gothic to be labeled as Goth and horror…

Criticism: Don’t Call it Magical Realism

“Don’t Call It Magical Realism: Latin American Writers Use Imagination andFantasy to Explain the World Around Them” (Pilar Marrero, Ethnic MediaServices) “We are living in a horror that is quite difficult to explain through realism” Mariana Enriquez A plethora of authors…

Short Story: The Narrow Way

“The Narrow Way” (Liliana Colanzi, 2023) Lilliana Colanzi touches on the spectrum of speculative science fiction while blending realistic elements of community, and the power of imagination, within magical realism. The story starts on an uneasy tone, being told from…

Short Story: Two Words

“Two Words,” in The Stories of Eva Luna (Isabel Allende, 1989) Isabel Allende blends magical realism with Latinx literature in this short story across multiple themes. This story follows the life of Belisa Crepuscalario. She was born in poverty and in poor…